Manufacturer of CNC Routers and Controls
in Canada for over 25 years
1616 Labbot CNC
2424 Camtool Router
2436 Camtool Router
48/48 Canuck CNC
Auto ToolChanger
Service & Options
StarCNC Control s/w
Training Videos
Controller Upgrades
Tech Bulletins
Safety Enclosures
3D Digitizer Probe
Canuck cnc

Camtool 24



All Larken cnc routers are MADE IN CANADA . Larken Automation manufactures in Canada computerized 'CNC' routers for woodworking, plastic and aluminum cutting, 3d modelling and machining and general manufacturing applications.We also manufacture custom machines for Industry and factories. A laser system is also available .Our easy to use StarCam control for windows is a very easy to use, integrated routing environment.We are on Leading edge of afforable CNC with our exclusive 3D Digitizer. Larken also manufactures stepper motor and viper servo motor drives.


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